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Back to school seminars

11 серпня 2016

Методичні семінари Cambridge English для вчителів


Back to school seminars




Адреса: м. Тернопіль, вул. Львівська 11а,

корпус 11, Зал Засідання Вчених Рад (2-й поверх)


Тернопільський Національний Економічний Університет




Організатори конференції: Видавництво Кембриджського університету (Cambridge University Press), Екзаменаційний департамент Кембриджського університету (Cambridge English Language Assessment) та офіційний представник видавництва Кембриджського університету компанія Лінгвіст, за співпраці з Тернопільським Національним Економічним Університетом та Тернопільським Обласним Комунальним Інститутом Післядипломної Педагогічної Освіти.


Робоча мова: англійська




Olga Madylus


Olha Madylus began her teaching career in a secondary state school in England teaching English and Drama. She has now been involved in YLELT for over 30 years: living, teaching and training in Hong Kong and Venezuela as well as Greece.


For the past fourteen years she has been a freelance YL materials writer, consultant and teacher trainer and trains local state and private language school teachers (and trainers) worldwide in countries as diverse as India, Nigeria, Taiwan, Bosnia and Peru.


She does consultation, teacher training and teacher trainer training for a number of organisations and schools such as the British Council and is also a Cambridge CELTA and CELTYL trainer.


Her focus is diverse, as she is interested in both Young and Adult learners of English, particularly focusing on motivation and challenge as well as the development of literacy in developing countries.


For more information visit her blog – www.olhamadylusblog.com




Christopher Smith


Christopher graduated from Appalachian State University in 2013, with a Bachelor's degree in History. He has always been fascinated by Eastern Europe, so after graduation he moved to Kyiv, completed a CELTA course, and began teaching English. Since then, Christopher has taught a wide range of Cambridge exams, and has also passed CPE, IELTS, and GRE.




План роботи конференції:


9.00 – 10.00    Реєстрація учасників


10.00 – 10.30  Відкриття конференції

                      Cambridge English – Better Learning

Ганна Шовкалюк,  методист видавництва Кембриджського університету Cambridge University Press


                      Cambridge English—Opening up a world of opportunities

Дарина   Сіжук,   консультант   екзаменаційного   департаменту   Кембриджського університету в Україні, Cambridge English Language Assessment


10.30 – 11.30  1st session. Prepared for Exams or Prepared for Life?

This is the teacher’s dilemma when teaching what we call Exam classes. Is our main aim to ensure that students are prepared as well as possible in order to pass the exam or do we put exam preparation aside and focus on language skills development, communication and cultivating a joy in learning English?

Exam skills are, of course, also important. These include deciphering rubric, allotting sufficient time for different parts of a question, ensuring marks are not unnecessarily lost. This session will look at strategies that combine age appropriate topics and tasks for younger learners (10-17), focusing on what is interesting, relevant and useful for them as well as building skills that will help them approach examinations. Let’s flip the perspective and consider how fun activities such as games, drama, projects etc. can be considered as valuable exam preparation.


                      Olha Madylus, Cambridge University Press teacher trainer


11.30 – 12.10  Кава-брейк


12.10 – 13.10  2nd session.    Tackling Use of English: Developing the Skills to Succeed.

Use of English is typically the most difficult and confusing section for students. It is also a difficult section to teach, as it requires knowledge of phrasal verbs, dependent prepositions, fixed expressions, and other complex grammar topics. However, there are several strategies teachers can use to help their students succeed– and even have fun in the process. This          presentation aims to present teachers with a variety of strategies, resources, and activities to help their students cope with Use of English.


         Christopher Smith, Cambridge English presenter

13.10 – 13.40  Підведення підсумків, розіграш призів


Під час конференції наші гості матимуть можливість переглянути виставку навчальних та екзаменаційних матеріалів від компанії Лінгвіст та видавництва Кембриджського університету, а також поспілкуватися з представниками екзаменаційних центрів Cambridge English.


Всі учасники конференції гарантовано отримають сертифікати та гарний настрій!